Curious Pots

​Nongpok Keithelmanbi
Site Details, Pottery Style & Pottery Details
Site Name
​Nongpok Keithelmanbi
Site Details
The site of Nongpok Keithelmanbi is located on the top of a flattened hill range which projects from the main mountain range towards the end up to the Thoubal river valley.
A trial trench dug in 1983 could unearth three cultural sequences in a 74 cm thick slope deposit of fissured clayey loam. A charcoal sample (BS-523) from the corded ware stratum has been dated to 4,460 + 120 year B.P.
Pottery Style
​1. Ill-fired and handmade pottery with corded surface in linear and criss-cross patterns
Pottery Style Details
(mostly) corded ware overlying the Hoabinhian stratum in the cultural sequence.
ill-fired, handmade, heavily weathered and in many cases the corded surface is also eroded. made of fine clay and tempered with sand and a few quartz particles. Fine sands were used as tempering material for the plain pottery.
The cord-marks are found in the form of linear and criss-cross patterns.
colour of the potsherds - various potsherds of red and brown, of which light red and reddish brown are the dominant colours.
In thickness, the potsherds ranges from 2 to 8 mm, the common being 4 to 5 mm. From the rim fragments, the vessel appears to be shallow bowls with flatly carved base and globular pot with constricted neck