​comprise shallow dishes or platters; bowls of various sizes and shapes; lipped bowls; lugged bowls; spouted bowls; channel-spouted bowls; vessels of various sizes with narrow, wide, broad and open mouths; bases; handled pots; lips; bell-shaped jars; hollow-footed cups; carinated bowls and legged stands. Legged stands occur in A3, A4 and A5 wares but more predominantly in A3 ware. Lids, lugs and handles characteristic of Al to 3 wares are absent in A4 and A5 wares. The most interesting and significant types are the lipped, spouted and channel-spouted bowls, the handled pots, bell-shaped jars, the legged stands and perforated pots. also, cylindrical handles. fragments of perforated pots found in excavations; only the late levels of neolithic culture yielded these pots.